ARRL staat DXCC kaart check buiten de USA toe
De ARRL is akkoord met het checken van identiteit en licentie documenten door geautoriseerde ARRL DXCC kaart controleurs buiten de USA
Newington (Connecticut – USA), maart 2016
De ARRL maakt het verificatie proces voor de overzeese deelnemers in het “Logbook of The World” (LoTW) gemakkelijker. Met ingang van 24 maart 2016 wordt het de door de ARRL geautoriseerde DXCC kaart controleurs buiten de USA mogelijk gemaakt om identiteit en licentie documenten te controleren namens de ARRL en het Logbook of The World programma.
In de woorden van de ARRL:…
“People outside the US who want to sign-up for LoTW, and who do not want to send documents to ARRL, may visit an ARRL DXCC Card Checker and present the documents to the Card Checker,” ARRL Field Services and Radiosport Manager Dave Patton, NN1N, said. “The Card Checker will check the documents and, if accepted, inform ARRL’s LoTW staff that he/she has met with the individual and will confirm that the applicant’s identity and license have been verified.”
Once documents have been approved by a DXCC Card Checker, the applicant will then apply for a LoTW digital certificate following the instructions for getting started.
Not every DXCC entity has a DXCC Card Checker, and overseas DXCC Card Checkers are not required to participate in this verification process. Amateurs living outside the US should contact a DXCC Card Checker in advance, to see if they are willing to check identity and license documents. A list of DXCC Card Checkers may be found here.
This option for field checking of documents only applies to those outside the US who are obtaining their first LoTW digital certificate, or a replacement for a single, expired certificate.
Questions on this process may be directed to ARRL staff at