Welcome to all foreign radio-amateurs to the Netherlands

The VERON wishes all foreign radio amateurs and their families, who plan to visit our country, a very pleasant stay. The official language of the Netherlands is Dutch, but 90 percent of the people in the Netherlands speak English too.

Regulations foreign radio-amateurs (*)

If you want to use radio amateur frequencies in the Netherlands, check whether your country is signatory to the CEPT Recommendations. CEPT (The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) has issued recommendations to harmonize amateur licences:

  • F – Full license (T/R 61-01)
  • N – Novice licence (ECC/REC/(05) 06)

Your administration is a signatory to the CEPT Recommendations (*)

If you have a CEPT Full license (covered by T/R 61-01) or a CEPT Novice license (covered by ECC-Rec. (05)06), you do not require a guest license. Foreign Radio Amateurs may operate on the same terms and conditions as the Dutch Radio Amateurs.

Your administration is not a signatory to the CEPT Recommendations (*)

If your administration is not a signatory to the CEPT Recommendations, and you want to use radio amateur frequencies in the Netherlands, you can apply for a guest license by using the application form. Please include a certified copy of your valid national radio amateur licence. Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur (RDI) will issue the licence if the required level of knowledge to obtain the foreign licence is equal to the required level of knowledge to obtain a Dutch licence (Novice of Full). The license will be issued for 1 year. A fee will be charged. Foreign Radio Amateurs may operate on the same terms and conditions as the Dutch Radio Amateurs.

(*) by Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands (Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur, RDI)

Changes to the Novice License per June 18th 2021

  • Output power of 100 Watt PEP for frequencies below 30 MHz
  • Use of entire 40m band (7.000 – 7.200 MHz)
  • Use of entire 20m band (14.000 – 14.350 MHz) despite typo in announcement in Staatscourant
  • Use of entire 10m band (28.000 – 29.700 MHz)
  • VHF and UHF no changes
