PZK viert 85-jarig bestaan en 90 jaar IARU
Het hoofdbestuur ontving een mededeling van onze Poolse zustervereniging PZK. Ze roept op deel te nemen aan het special event, om de 90e verjaardag van de IARU en 85e verjaardag van de PZK te vieren.
On behalf of the Polish Amateur Radio Association (PZK) I would like to invite amateur radio community from your country to participate in our award competition related to the “90 anniversary of the IARU and the 85 anniversary of the PZK”.
On this occasion, since 1st of January till April 30th 2015 there will be 12 special event stations on the air, six with xx90IARU and six with xx85PZK.
Two way QSOs with these stations are included to apply for our Jubilee diploma.
Welcome to the pages of our website at http://85.pzk.org.pl (backup link http://sq2rh.idsl.pl/85pzk/) there are described in details our diploma competition, on-line log, QSL order procedure, @-application and others information, the diploma we will send only as paper version via QSL bureaus or direct.
Thank you in advance.
See you on the bands,
Vy 73 de Roman SQ2RH