PACCdigi Contest 2024 rules
1. Contest sponsor
The “Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek in Nederland”, VERON is pleased to announce the PACCdigi contest 2024.
1.1 Contest Period
April 20th 2023, 07:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC.
2. Contest goals
Everybody works everybody. The allowed modes in this contest are RTTY and FT4/FT8.
2.1 Classes
There are 3 classes of operation: FT4/FT8 only, RTTY only and MIX for FT4/FT8 and RTTY operation.
FT4 and FT8 will be treated as the same protocol.
3. Categories
• DX stations (non-PA DXCC entity)
· SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH Single Op, All Bands
· SINGLE-OP ALL LOW Single Op, All Bands
· QRP ALL Single Op, All Bands
· MULTI-OP ALL HIGH Multi Op, All Bands, Single transmitter
· SWL ALL Single Op, All bands
• Dutch stations (PA DXCC entity)
· SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH Single Op, All Bands
· SINGLE-OP ALL LOW Single Op, All Bands
· QRP ALL Single Op, All Bands
· MULTI-OP ALL HIGH Multi-Op, All Bands, Single transmitter
· SWL ALL Single Op, All Bands
Dutch novice licensees (7000-7200, 14000-14350, 28000-29700 kHz)
High Power: Total output power must not exceed the legal maximum power of your own country.
Low Power: Total output power must not exceed 100 W
QRP: Total output power must not exceed 5 W
3.1 Contest bands and segments
The following bands will be used for this contest: 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M, 15M, 10M. Avoid interference with other modes or contests running in the same weekend.
The contest frequencies for FT8 modes will not be the usual for these protocols, but somewhat higher in frequency. The transceiver dial frequencies that will be used for FT8 are: 1,843 – 3,577 -7,077 – 14,077 – 21,077 and 28,077 MHz.
For FT4 the standard frequencies for FT4 can be used.
3.2 Entries are separated in “World” and “the Netherlands”.
4. Division ranking
4.1 Dutch VERON members can put the number and optionally the name of their division (not the QSL region) in the Cabrillo log “Club tag” like: CLUB: 35 or CLUB: 01 Alkmaar
The sum of the single operator and SWL operator scores of a division will give the divisional score.
5. General Rules
5.1 The transmitter and receivers must be located within a 500-meter diameter circle. All antennas used by an entrant must be physically connected to the transmitter or receivers by wires (cables or feedlines).
5.1.1 All categories of entrants can use packet and WEB clusters.
5.1.2 Self-spotting is not allowed during the contest.
5.1.3 Using other stations callsigns to keep the working frequency free on the other bands, making schedules or DX-spotting is prohibited.
5.2 Single operator participants may change bands and modes without restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any given time.
5.2.1 Single Operator: Those stations at which one (1) person performs all of operating, logging, and spotting functions.
5.3 MOST stations can transmit only one signal on any band at any given time. A “multiplier” station is allowed if there is an interlock ensuring only one signal at any given time.
5.3.1 In the MOST category, the RUN station is allowed to change bands only once every 10 minutes. Violating this rule will make that the QSO’s made in the non-regular time will be discarded.
5.3.2 The log must indicate which transmitter made each QSO (according to the CABRILLO standard).
5.4 Each station can be worked once in RTTY and once in FT8 on each band.
5.4.1 The use of software functions that allow two or more QSOs on the same moment are forbidden (Multi Answer, FOX-Hound, etc.)
5.4.2 The use of a QSO robot is strictly prohibited. The operator must operate the equipment during the QSO.
5.4.3 The use of a remote SDR station is not allowed.
6. Exchange
6.1 Dutch stations (PA): signal report (RST) + 2 position province abbreviation. GR, NB etc.
World: RST + serial number starting with 001
7. QSO Points
7.1 Each valid contact with another participating contest station is worth one (1) point, a QSO with a Dutch station 3 points.
7.2 For a SWL station each heard RTTY PACCdigi contest station (both Dutch (PA) and non-Dutch (Non-PA)) counts as 1 point. Every callsign counts once per band. Heard FT8 QSO’s will not provide any contest points.
7.3 A contest station may not be logged more than 10 times per band.
8. Dupes
8.1 Dupes are contacts made with the same station on the same band. If the first contact between stations is valid, dupes have a 0 points value. If the first contact is not valid, the second (dupe) contact is accepted.
8.2 Dupe contacts are not penalized; one does not have to mark them in the Cabrillo log submission.
Moreover, entrants are strictly recommended to leave DUPES in the log file. DO NOT DELETE DUPES!
9. Multipliers
9.1 A multiplier of one (1) for each worked different Dutch Province. Every Province can be worked in RTTY as well as in FT4/FT8. So, the maximum number of multipliers on each band is 24.
9.2 The abbreviations for the Dutch Provinces are: NH, ZH, ZL, NB, UT, FL, FR, GR, OV, DR, GD, LB
Contacts with Dutch maritime mobile (/MM) don’t count as a multiplier.
10. Final Score
The final score is the sum of all qso points multiplied by the sum of all multipliers (band and mode).
11. General Log Submission Requirements
11.1 Submit your log in the CABRILLO format.
11.2 All times must be in UTC.
The Cabrillo format specifies strict chronological order for the full log; this includes Multi Op stations.
11.3 All sent and received exchanges are to be logged.
11.4 All operators in the Multi Op category must be mentioned in the Cabrillo header.
11.5 Filename for the log should be yourcall.log or yourcall.cbr
11.6 In the header part of the electronic log submission you MUST specify a calls and category of entrance and the full postal and e-mail address for mailing the PACCdigi results of the participant as well as the token of merit.
11.7 Submit your electronic log by uploading it on the PACCdigi web page, sending it by e-mail is acceptable.
11.8 Hand-written logs are not accepted.
11.9 Points and final score calculations are not necessary; calculations are done by our software.
11.10 Multi Operator stations: If more than one transmitter is used, the Cabrillo log must indicate which transmitter has been used for each qso.
12. Log Submission Addresses and Terms
12.1 Logs must be submitted to the contest sponsors before April 28th, 2024, 23:59 UTC.
12.2 Electronic logs must be uploaded via website or submitted via E-mail to:
Be sure to put the station call sign and the class in the “Subject:” line. Example: “K3ZO FTx” or “K3ZO MIX”
You will get an acknowledgement via e-mail or a reason for rejection.
12.3 A participant in the contest herewith agrees with publication by VERON of the results, including pictures or film in the monthly VERON-magazine Electron, as well as on the VERON-website and in other by VERON used and/or chosen media.
13. Awards
13.1 Dutch (PA) stations: The VERON donates prizes to the winners of each category in every class during the award ceremony at the HF-day.
All winners will be invited to obtain these prizes in an email addressed to the email address from which the log has been submitted. In case someone is not capable to (let someone) collect the prize, then please get in touch with the contest manager. All participants, including all operators of multi-op stations, who submit a valid log, will receive a token of merit.
13.2 Non-Dutch (Non-PA) stations: all participants who submit a valid log with a correct (postal) address will receive a token of merit. Electronic certificates will be made available for download for every one that submits an entry.
13.3 Club Rankings (PA only): Prices donated by the VERON to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
14. Contest-Related Information
14.1 All “Dutch PACCdigi Contest” and related information (Rules, claimed/confirmed scores, FAQ, additional information) is posted at the official contest website PACCdigi website
14.2 Every participant, who sends his log will receive an overview with his claimed/confirmed results separately by bands/modes and QSO list, containing his errors and errors of worked stations. (UBN)
14.3 Any PACCdigi related question should be sent via e-mail to
15. Analysis
All PACCdigi 2024 electronic logs are subject to computerized cross-check and analysis.
16. Penalties
- One QSO is penalized with 1 QSO point for the following:
– Incorrectly logged calls.
– Not logging the exchange of the opposite QSO partner.
– One QSO is not present in the other station’s log. A close similar call sign, giving evidence of a miscopy by the other station, could not be found in the other station’s log (NIL).
- QSO neither counted nor penalized for the following:
– QSO time in entrant’s log and other station’s log difference is more than 5 minutes (except systematic computer errors).
– QSO band or mode in entrant’s log and other station’s log differ.-Dupe QSO which is not in the other station’s log.
– The other station is obviously not a contest participant (‘001’ exchange in multiple logs, other exchanges not found).
- One QSO which is a UNIQUE (not in the database and cannot be related to a possible miscopy) will get normal credit. The Contest Manager will further check logs of stations with a far above average percentage of UNIQUES.
16.1 PACCdigi Contest manager decisions are final. PACCdigi Contest manager invites all the radio amateurs from the Netherlands and foreign countries to take part in the 2024 PACCdigi Contest.
The PACCdigi 2024 contest team
Wil van der Laken PA0BWL
John Sins PA5JS
Rien de Louw PA7PYR
Tristan Jager PC8T
Vincent Luiten PC2Y