Open brief aan Tesla over geïntegreerde EV-Car transceiver
Optionele transceiver kit voor Tesla en andere EV-Cars
OM Lodewijk (PA3BNX) heeft op persoonlijke titel een open brief aan Tesla geschreven met daarin een voorstel voor een geïntegreerde EV-Car (Electric Vehicle) transceiver voor radio amateur doeleinden. Naast Tesla zijn ook de ARRL, Yeasu, Kenwood, Icom, VERON, VRZA en verschillende Radio fora van dit voorstel op de hoogte gebracht. Dus vandaar dat we hieronder deze open brief integraal willen delen.
Hello all,
I have some ideas/wishes for making the super all electric cars more attractive then ever before ! Also for radio-amateurs who are mostly at the front of wireless technologies and communications innovations. It would be marvelous to have the frequency-display and knobs for a transceiver running and displayed on the Tesla 17 inch touch screen as a software option. Using the same speakers and microphone used for cellphone in the car. Just plug in a black box transceiver and add an antenna.
Every equipped car would also have APRS standard on board because a GPS is already in the Tesla cars. Maybe even easy to show VHF/UHF APRS information on the Maps available already on the 17 inch touch screen. It would be a novelty if it was integrated in the car equipment. No licensed radio amateur has to worry about how to mount and get a safe to use radio transmitter in his new all electric car. Just a interface to an ad on transceiver VHF/UHF (SDR like) with approx 50 watt rf output Now a days Radio amateurs use FM phone transceivers but also the digital speech modes as DMR and D-star could be included. And an all automatic electric hiding efficient 2m / 70cm transmit/receive antenna as an option for the Tesla cars.
There are about 800,000 licensed radio amateurs in the USA already. Suppose if just 1% has or buys a Tesla with this transceiver option. It might be enough to spark this idea to reality. The radio community would maybe involved in writing the software.
Some afterthought. How good is the Tesla in the EMC field ? (Because receivers don’t like unwanted radiation harmonics of other for receive electronics.) So see what the radio community and Tesla motors and OEM transceiver manufacturers think about this idea. Maybe in the software also a Radio Direction Finding module can be done.
See my projects at:
P.S. I do not have a Tesla-car yet because I cannot afford it yet !!
L.J.W. Baars (PA3BNX)